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Fast Facts About Gum Disease

Did you know that periodontitis, also known as gum disease, impacts more than 3 million Americans annually? This common, yet preventable, disease is most often caused by poor oral hygiene, but can lead to a multitude of different issues. There are many great reasons to take care of your mouth, but avoiding gum disease is … Continued

5 Signs of Gum Disease You Should Be Aware Of

Periodontitis (gum disease) is quite common, though not many people realize it! In fact, 70.1% of Americans over the age of 65 are affected by the illness. Unfortunately, many patients don’t know what symptoms to look for when it comes to this very serious condition. Worse yet, if gum disease is left untreated, it can … Continued

6 Myths about Gum Disease You Shouldn’t Believe!

While gum disease can have major repercussions on your overall health—including leading to issues like heart disease, respiratory illness, stroke, and even complications with pregnancy—there seems to be many misconceptions floating around about the disease. In order to make sure your gums stay in great condition, be sure not to fall for these six common … Continued

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